Mother of six gave birth to last born twins while on dialysis

Being a mother of six children, is that special? In my situation maybe it is, and maybe a little more than usual. My name is Melinda and I delivered my newly born twins being a dialysis patient.

Back in 2010, already having four kids, I started struggling with hypertension during my fourth pregnancy and was shortly after diagnosed with kidney shrinkage and became a dialysis patient.

I have been treated three times a week since 2012 and had two failed pregnancies within two years, but something told me not to give up on a fifth child and, in 2015, I got pregnant once more — and this time I was carrying twins!

During my pregnancy I was on haemodialysis the whole time and had sessions six times a week. I have been told this was quite an exceptional situation and a real challenge were my doctor for the first time assisted to a successful pregnancy for one of his patients. It felt like he had a close cooperation with the responsible doctors and nurses at the maternity hospital all the way. The whole team seemed confident and committed to help me through this difficult period, it really helped a lot.

Finally, I gave birth to two healthy and cute babies, a boy and a girl. The twins were born premature, but are now both doing fine. After this extraordinary experience so am I, and it’s a great feeling the medical staff continues to care and take keen interest in my family’s future. It makes a happy mother of six wonderful kids even happier.