NZOZ Diaverum Lublin Chodźki

NZOZ Diaverum Lublin Chodźki - Visit Lublin

Holiday dialysis


Visit Lublin

The city of Lublin was first mentioned in 13th century. It reached its "golden age" in 16th century, when - due to its central location between Kraków (capital of Poland) and Vilnius (capital of Lithuania) - it was chosen as the place where the Union of Lublin was signed, effectively uniting those two states for several centuries. Due to its location at a crossroads between the rest of Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, the city was always a melting pot of different cultures - an important center of Judaism as well as of the Christian reformation movement. Nowadays, every year there are about 100,000 students coming to Lublin to study, which accounts to 28 per cent of the regular city population.

Holiday dialysis – the Diaverum way

At Diaverum, we never lose sight of the emotional and psychological needs of you and your family. An important part of this is that it should be possible for you to take a break now and then, and go for a holiday. The Diaverum Holiday™ concept is designed to make your holiday as practicable as possible, uncomplicated and enjoyable. Read more